May 28, 2004

May 14, 2004

kenape aku tido awai smlm?

ishk..aku sEdey bangat!

smlm test motor n.........FAILED!!
huhuh da agak da
hadeke die kate "calon x melakukan brek kecemasan"
arh..tidak cukup cemaskah?
x sanggup aku nk merepeat nexwik

bgn pagi gosok gigi

arh..baru aku paham blog adelah utk org yg rajin menaip & rajin membace......dan aku bknla 'jenis' itu..huhu

satu2nye bhn bacaan yg aku rajin ialah komik n mag..novel??mase dajah4 dlu sukelaa..uhu

mungkin suatu hari nti aku akan biarkan blog ni terbengkalai...haha

arini aku terjage awai gle...530a.m n aku ase cm mls nk tdo lek so aku g iron bj skool deme..msk air..gerak bdk2..smyg..kemas umah..sidai kain...etc..wah!cm besh gak bgn awal rupenye!!huhu

eh!sebnoe nk g jogin ni..tersinggah sbntr di dpn pc laks

~chow shin chan!

May 12, 2004

budak2 zaman skarang...

cakir, 5thn..dajah1

aku:cakir!da wat keje skola loms
cakir:blom..kir x reti
aku:cpt wat..yg x reti tanye, along aja..
cakir:bukunye x jupe..
aku:cr laa elok2...[sambil tlg crkan]
cakir:da cr daa..x jupe
aku:ni ape?cr ngn mulut mmg x jupe..
cakir:[tersengih]pensel xde..
aku:eee...semedang xde pensel![tiap2 pg mak aku ks die pensel br] kt skola td pakai pe?
cakir:yg tu patah..
-ble da dpt pensel
aku:siapkan cpt..ikt je pe yg cikgu tulis tu..tgk along wat ni
aku:buat tau!along nk g dapor sat
cakir:alaa..along pegangle tgn kir
aku:heee..malasle tu!sampe ble nk pande cani?tgk k.mayam da pande bace kir xreti g
kate nk jd doktor..wat sdr dulu!
-kat dapor
cakir:along...eraser xde..
aku:[cewah..speaking pulak adik aku ni]eraser tu ape?
cakir:eraser laaa
aku:yela..bhs melayunye ape..along x phm laa
cakir:PENGADAM laa!

kahkahkah..speakin konoOns..bhs melayu pn pelat lg..jnoh nk aja die sbt pemadam..
klo die sbt jadual..jd dajual huhu
geramtoi kt cakir ni..suke wat muke comey+muke kesian sampe smorg nk tlg watkan homwek die..bsh kasut die..susun dajual die..
tp dgn aku, jgn harap aaa
haha..akukan along yg x berperikemanusiaan

die ade 3 cita2..bomba, polis, doktor[cite2 aku dlu]
tp br ni aku tanye..die kate abah soh kir jd doktor[aku gak cikgu]
wpn die wat muke tiap2 kali aku cite sai 'kwn along potong mayat'
kesian gak kt die..6 dr 9 adkberadk aku msk skool awai
dajah1 time umo me

tp cakir?die br je 5taun last April!
mujur mayam 1clas ngn die..bolelaa tlg tgk2kan hehe
aku tgk die ok gak..klo tanye 4 plus 6 ke 7 minus 3 ke..sume die leh jwb
klo tanye die sirahke..wah..mmg terer!
probs die juz tulis lmbt sket..n xreti bace..
die bole mengeja malas nk eja!
suke bg alasan mcm2..
wat homwek sket..mulela die kuarkan suare manje die..'along..kir penat.."

isk..dasar anak bongsu!hahaha..cakir i love u

perihal hati

venue:dapur,after lunch
mayam, 7thn..dajah1

aku:mayam,sedap ke tomyam along msk?
mayam:sedap.. mcm sedap plak [sambil hirup tomyam dr periuk..xsnonohtoi!] td mase mkn ngn nasik cam x sedap je..
mayam:HATI k.long tu yg x sedap!

uiks..terkesima,beb!kecik2 da pandey drop aku(mmg slalu kne drop)...
den bile aku tanye..die cite die pnah denga abah ckp cmtu kt minah yg ngomen air x sedap
hurm..abah mmg slalu ckp cmtu kalo ade org yg cm x ikhlas jek wat
keje yg die suruh..
ble aku pk lek, mmg btoi..
sumenye bgantung kat hati kite
ble hati kite x ikhlas wat sesuatu..ase cm susa jek
bnyk je onak durinye
masalah2 kecik pn kite ase cm berat
sebnonye kite sdr yg cr alasan utk dr kite..
klo kite ikhlaskan dr kite..
kite x kan ase cmtu
sume probs ade pnyelesaiannye muhasabah dr plaks
tapi...........aku stil x pat terime aku kne jadik cikgu!!!
ape ni deq...???eh, along...

cop..aku nulis ni bkn tuk btau yg aku reti msk tomyam yerr!
hahaha kang ade yg dengki laks
fyi..tomyam tu mmg xsedap pn...1st time msk..
mayam tu..sume yg aku msk die kate sedap..wpn kari cair..
she's my fav sis ;b
die ni sjns yg suke mengayat aku..haha
'along ni comeylaa'
'dagu along ni kecik..sbb tu org pange along adeq,ye?'
'along msk kari ayam sedaap!'
dan bnyk lagi ayat2 yg melemahkan kepala lutut aku...huhu
wpn sume ayat2 die mmg tersirat & penoh makne!

abah n cakir

May 11, 2004

budak getah a.k.a oNe p|ece link2 yg aku jupe KHAS tuk kipas susah mati budak getah
hope korg puas,aku sendiri pn x puas hati :b
mane x nye..OP vol. 21 x kuar2!!
dE Links:

Fan site with unique One Piece interactive games.

Arlong Park
Tons of One Piece info, media, pics, clips, music videos, and much more! Check it out!

Ask Sanji
a One Piece site, where people can ask "Sanji" questions.

Calm Belt
A German One Piece site

Chopper's Sakura
"One Piece" character Chopper's image gallery. Lots of Screen captures and scans.

The fanlisting of Buggy, a villain of One Piece

Destination: Paradise
A Japanese site about the series One Piece

A fanlisting to Sanji and Zoro of One Piece

A fanlisting to Usopp and Kaya of One Piece

Going Merry Go!
This is a fanlisting for the Going Merry (or Going Merry Go), the ship that takes Luffy and his crew on their sea-faring adventures in One Piece

Gum Gum
A One Piece site with Colorwalk and manga scans, animated gifs, downloads, mp3, wallpapers, icons, articles, quizzes, webdirectory, fanart, and much more!

A fanlisting to Roronoa Zoro and Nico Robin (or Miss All-Sunday) of One Piece

Lost at Sea
An all-purpose site revolving around the visual aspects of One Piece

Medical Power
A fanlisting to Doctor Kureha of One Piece

One Piece Homepage
One Piece is a great manga about a boy who wanted to become the greatest pirate ever. It has become one of my favorite shonen manga (or boy's comic). I have seen a lot of One Piece Homepages but they are only in Japanese, so I decided to make a homepage for One Piece in English.[ni bkn aku yg tulis..hehe]

An English/Italian site on the anime One Piece

A shrine/fanlisting for Luffy's first admirer, Koby

Rum, Buggery, & the Lash
A One Piece fan site for the eager, the innocent, and the doomed.

ShoneN jumP
macam-macam adE..

A fanlisting to Kuina of One Piece

Words in the Wind
This site is dedicated to Shanks the Red and Monkey D. Luffy, two of the main characters in the manga & anime series "One Piece".

A fanlisting to Roronoa Zoro & Kuina of One Piece

huhu...aku cilop je sume..ini ade lagi...


try dload anime cni

dload manga laks kat cni

sanji si casanova

zorro yg kacak!!

thai one piece

huh..ade lagikah??
hahaa bnyk sebnonye...

leh dload kt irc gak
server : mirc-X
cenel : #null #mangareaders #MangaProject #mangascreener
tp aku seniri xnah try...x bley nk connect! iskK..

May 10, 2004


bepeloh2 aku wat blog ni
hape ni abrar
x bes pon..sakit tengkuk aku!
aku bknnye dak bcompsc cm ko...
eh..ape ni..terPM laks kt cni
wei...kasila tunjuk aja
ape yg kne ditaruk di blog ini,huh?

dengan menyebut nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

hapsal nie??
aku paling malas nak bace blog org....
tapi cane ntah
aku termendirikan blog ni..iskK
arh...ini x disengajakan..tidAk!!!
nampaknye aku btoi2,ops..keb0hsaNan.......